Do you often feel sick and don't know why?

"All diseases begin in the gut" - Hippocrates already knew that. A strong intestinal flora is all the more important, because it is a crucial part of our immune system. If it weakens, the defense against pathogens no longer works optimally. With the self-test of BIOMES you will find out whether your intestinal flora is in balance or what you can do so that your intestine can optimally fulfill its entire range of services, from immune defense to complete nutrient utilization. Use the power of your gut for a healthy and long life.

How the gut affects your immune system

With the gut test, the scientists of BIOMES all known bacteria in your intestines and put together your individual strengths and weaknesses profile. You will also receive scientifically based food recommendations.

Get to know your immune system

The most comprehensive intestinal flora analysis is the first self-test to analyze your gut flora by detecting your gut bacteria based on their DNA. Unlike previous stool examinations by your general practitioner finds nearly every bacterium in your gut that is known to science.

With the gut flora analysis of BIOMES you will find out the individual strengths and weaknesses of your gut flora and receive scientifically based nutritional recommendations.

This is how the gut flora test works


You will receive the test kit

Your test kit contains everything you need for easy sampling at home. A tiny amount is enough.


We analyze your sample

The DNA of your intestinal bacteria is analyzed using the NGS method.


You explore online

Explore your gut flora test report with detailed information and recommendations online in a protected area.

Dietary supplements



• Without prior analysis

• You can take these products containing bacterial cultures, vitamins and minerals pursuing a specific goal, e.g. if you want to strengthen your immune system.

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Individual weaknesses

• Analytics-based (with
• The report will give you an individual recommendation for the right supplement from our BIOM.unique product range. Because your bacteria are as unique as you are.

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