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Intestinal flora test dogs

their intestines with BIOMES.
- 1 x DNA-based canine microbiome analysis
- Online evaluation and PDF report
- Individual food recommendations
- Weaknesses & optimization fields
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Intestinal flora test dogs

Why should I take the test with my dog?
The analysis is recommended if:
- Your dog has digestive problems such as flatulence, diarrhoea, vomiting or symptoms of a disturbed intestinal flora
- You suspect that your dog's intestinal flora is imbalanced
- You want to build up your dog's intestinal flora and optimize its diet
- You want to increase your dog's well-being with a holistic approach
- You want to strengthen your dog's immune system
What awaits you in the evaluation
Key values
Intestinal health
- Intestinal imbalance
- Vitamin production
- Bacterial diversity
- Bacterial dualists
- Proportion of harmful bacteria
Gut-healthy diet
- Carbohydrates and proteins
- Useful bacteria
- Important bacteria
10 golden rules

Einfach und stressfrei beim Gassi gehen mit deinem Hund
• Stressfreie Entnahme der Probe deines Hundes beim Spazieren
• Du entnimmst die Kotprobe von deinem Hund in wenigen Sekunden
• Schon eine einzige kleine Kotprobe deines Hundes reicht zur Analyse aus
• Wissenschaftliche Analyse der Darmflora deines Hundes