Home Intestinal flora test KIDS

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Darmflora Test Kinder - BIOMES
Darmflora Test Kinder - BIOMES
Darmflora Test Kinder - BIOMES
Darmflora Test Kinder - BIOMES
Darmflora Test Kinder - BIOMES
Darmflora Test Kinder - BIOMES
Darmflora Test Kinder - BIOMES
Darmflora Test Kinder - BIOMES
Darmflora Test Kinder - BIOMES
Darmflora Test Kinder - BIOMES
Darmflora Test Kinder - BIOMES
Darmflora Test Kinder - BIOMES
Darmflora Test Kinder - BIOMES
Darmflora Test Kinder - BIOMES

Intestinal flora test KIDS

Gut test for children (3-14 years)
darmtest_tester BIOMES_darm_entschluesselt
have already explored
their intestines with BIOMES.
Sale price 159€ Tax included.
  •  Receive individual recommendations to support your child's intestinal flora and immune system
  •  DNA-based microbiome analysis 
  •  Scientific analysis in our own laboratory 
  •  Strengths and weaknesses online and expressed 
  •  Personalized Gut health recommendations
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Darmflora Test Kinder - BIOMES

Intestinal flora test KIDS


Why should my child take the test?

A microbiome analysis is recommended if:

- your child has digestive problems
- you suspect that your child's immune system is weak
- you are looking for support with nutritional tips that are precisely tailored to your child's gut
- you want to improve your child's well-being with a holistic approach

How the intestinal flora test works

You will receive the test kit

The test kit contains everything you need for easy sample collection at home. A tiny amount is all you need.


We analyze your sample

The DNA of your child's intestinal bacteria is analyzed using the NGS method.

You explore online

Explore the evaluation of your child's gut flora test with
detailed information and recommendations online in a protected

Build up intestinal flora in your child

Find out more about your child's intestinal flora with the INTEST.pro KIDS from BIOMES:

- Receive personalized information on the topics: healthy intestinal flora, metabolism and immune system

- Including individual nutritional recommendations

- The 10 "golden" rules of healthy eating for children

- Developed by BIOMES' scientists

What you can expect in your child's evaluation

The intestinal balance and bacterial diversity values give you an initial overview of the general state of your child's intestinal flora.
- Find out which foods match your child's individual strengths and weaknesses profile.
- Food list, with dosage, intake frequency and dietary filter.
- Including recommendation of a tailored probiotics cure.
- Explore intestinal flora, metabolism and immune system
- Detailed evaluation of the analyzed bacterial functions
- Each function with study-based food recommendation
- Compare all the results of your samples with each other and monitor your progress.
- Simply save your results as a PDF report for your doctor without a nutritionist.
- Discover up to 7,100 bacteria species in your microbial list.
- If available, separate report of harmful bacteria (pathogens)

Einfach und stressfrei von zu Hause aus

• Einfache Handhabung und Zeitersparnis

• Stressfreie Entnahme der Probe deines Kindes in vertrauter Umgebung

• Wissenschaftliche Analyse der kindlichen Darmflora

• Erreichbarkeit der BIOMES Expert*innen per Email für deine Rückfragen

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